PAX Prime ’12 Interview: Unknown Worlds On Natural Selection 2

Unknown World’s one of a kind action title Natural Selection 2 is nearing completion. The beta is now available on Steam, and as of now the game’s page has it targeted for launch next month. The game is anticipated in some ways, and already acclaimed in others with an active beta community that continues to swell in size.


Embedded below is our next PAX Prime ’12 interview – with some gameplay footage packed in as well. A member of the Unknown Worlds team was kind enough to step-away from their busy booth to discuss the various mechanics of the title, the variety in asymmetrical teams, and bringing the experience of leadership/being a team player into the title.


At least 12v12 matches, and could be more down the line? Splendid!


It’s been a painstakingly long wait for the official release of Natural Selection 2 since it first garnered major attention, but it’s shaping up to be one of the better multiplayer experiences we’ve seen in years. Balance is key for a good competitive multiplayer game, and they’ve been grinding away at that for years it seems.


As with any multiplayer affair, maintaining active player numbers are key; but with their aforementioned beta players in tow, there’s little worry this game will have every chance to flourish on a very high level upon release. Especially if it delivers on all points being sold.

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