Five Porn Game Niches You’ve Never Heard Of

If you have been searching for porn games for a while, the odds are pretty good you’ve come across a couple of titles that were bit more “out there” than others – especially in genres and niches you probably weren’t expecting to find.
Even still, all of that searching has (likely) barely begun to scratch the surface of the kinds of porn game niches you can find online today, catering to all manner of sexual fetishes. This is one of the joys of adult gaming. It provides a safe space within which to explore your deepest desires, no matter how obscure.
Below we highlight five of the porn game niches that you are less likely to have heard of in 2020. And while these game niches might at the super well-known, they definitely have some exciting and engaging game titles that you’ll want to check out all the same.
Let’s jump right in!
Horror/Thriller Games
The last thing that a lot of people want to think about when they are watching porn is something jump scaring them, something freaking about, or something taking a horrific turn and ruining the moment.
At the same time, there are a lot of people out there that really get into the idea of these sorts of spooky situations – and would love nothing more than to combine their love of horror and thriller films with a porn game.
More and more developers are starting to release these kinds of titles because of the demand, demand that’s really started to expand even though this is still definitely a bit of an unknown niche in the porn game world.
My Little Pony Sex
The wildest thing about this porn game niche is that it’s not the girls that are all that interested in playing these kinds of games, but instead a lot of younger guys.
Yes, the toys and cartoon TV shows that these porn games are based off of were 100% marketed to the younger girl population. But guys – calling themselves Bronies – have jumped on board in a big way, with developers pushing out new games in this niche on a regular basis to try and keep up with the demand.
It’s a little strange at first to see some of your favorite cartoon characters from your childhood in these kinds of adult situations, but there are plenty of people downloading and playing these game right now. To get you started, one of the most popular MLP games is Pony Simulator.
Check our our top pony porn games reviews to start playing the best rated porn games!
The attractiveness of full-blown MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role-playing games) in the porn world is not hard to see, but it’s the expense of developing a fully fleshed out online world like this that steps developers from releasing these kinds of titles all that often.
Lots of people – LOTS of people – with love nothing more than to jump into a poor hundred percent digital world as a custom character they created and interact with other players (real players) from around the world in a fully realized porn universe.
Unfortunately, pulling that kind of game off on an independent development budget and timeline has proven to be really difficult.
There are some developers that have tried to do it nonetheless, many of them producing fantastic games, but at the end of the day the reason these kinds of games are so rare because development is so challenging.
RTS (Real Time Strategy) games aren’t quite as hard to develop as MMORPG games, but the gameplay loops for these types of titles isn’t always all that conducive to porn.
In the world of porn you’re really not all that interested in managing your resources, managing your time, and taking turn-based moves to see how things are going to shake out.
At the same time, there have been some pretty cool innovative porn game titles released in the last three or four years that use RTS like elements in their titles.
These kinds of games are very rarely 100% RTS through and through, but instead use the turn-based elements to add a different gameplay little to more traditional porn game configurations.
Some are more successful than others, but it’s still unlikely to find a lot of RTS or RTS inspired porn games in this niche for sure.
Mythical Creature Porn
For all the hentai and cartoon porn games out there, one specific niche area is not nearly as deeply plumbed as something like anime characters are – and that’s mythical creature porn.
Don’t giving wrong, there are certainly some porn games out there that revolve around mythical creatures and characters from fairytales, but the overwhelming majority of cartoon inspired porn definitely has a heavy anime bent to it.
That’s not hard to understand, especially since anime is one of the most popular kinds of porn (again world or otherwise) these days and independent developers want to follow the trends.
At the same time, though, cartoon porn is particularly conducive to mythical creatures and fairytale characters, for obvious reasons. There are a couple of solid games out there that have these kinds of creatures featuring prominently in the gameplay, but this is still very much a niche offering.