What is Futanari and Where Did It Originate?

If you feel like you have started to see a lot of Futanari porn in the last few years you certainly aren’t alone – this porn genre has taken off like wildfire (a lot like Hentai) over the last decade or so.
Originating in Japan back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Futanari porn was definitely thought of as a bit of a niche form of porn for most of its existence.
Things started to accelerate in recent years (something that we highlight in just a moment), and now it is one of the most popular porn genres around – especially with people that love to watch Hentai, too.
Also on the rise in popularity are futanari sex games. User can fulfill their fantasies through a futanari simulation that they cant get through normal futa porn. One of the most popular futanari sex games is Forbidden Futanari. Be sure to check it out!
Below we dig a little bit deeper into the early history of Futanari porn, how it came to be, and what helped to propel its popularity in just the last decade or so.
Let’s jump right in!
What is Futanari?
Right out of the gate, it’s important to understand that while Futanari porn has a lot in common with everything that Hentai offers in the porn world it’s a bit of its own separate category because of one major distinction:
All of the characters in Futanari porn have hermaphrodite genitals across the board.
This makes Futanari a pretty unique niche inside of the more traditional porn world, but it’s not all that different from a lot of what you would find in the world of Hentai these days.
Even more surprisingly, though, is how much of this foundational element of Futanari porn stretches back way further than the late 80s and early 90s – going back all the way to folk religions in Japan as well as Buddhism.
Where Did Futanari Come From?
Like we just mentioned, while Futanari porn really only started to be created in the late 1980s and in the early 1990s – as the popularity of anime and manga style cartoons took off in Japan and then later around the world – the roots of this kind of porn stretched a lot further than that.
There are a lot of stories and Japanese folk religion relating to these kinds of characters, characters share sex organs that have nothing to do with gender at all. These characters aren’t just gender fluid, though, but instead have all of the sex organs men and woman have – on the same body.
Some of the earliest forms of Futanari have storylines that are cemented in the rich oral tradition of Japanese folk religion histories. A lot of characters were tributes to what are called dosojin – mythical characters in Japanese religions that have the ability to shapeshift and change their entire appearance at will while never really being a male or a female.
Over the last 20 years or so, as Hentai porn has grown in popularity throughout the West, other niches like Futanari has started to see a lot more widespread audiences, too.
Is Futanari Pretty Popular or Still Sort of Niche in the Porn World?
Well, truth be told, it’s kind of hard to pigeonhole Futanari into a specific “niche” if only because there has been so much blending between this form of porn and something like Futanari.
On the one hand, a lot of the popular Futanari porn options out there have definitely started to take on more of a Hentai style influence.
People that are big into Hentai are definitely more open-minded about checking out other storylines can checking out other niches, and checking out other genres of this porn – and that’s definitely helped to boost the popularity of Futanari and a pretty big way.
On the other hand, though, it will be hard to describe after that as anything more than a niche form of porn even still today.
While Hentai is one of the most often searched for types of porn on the market today (with some sites saying it’s the second most popular search term of any kind of porn out there), the same cannot be said about Futanari.
For as wild and as crazy as a lot of Hentai is right now people are still a little bit hesitant about jumping feetfirst into the world of Futanari – at least presently, anyway.
The trend is definitely heading towards the “Futanari becoming more popular” direction, though.
More and more people are getting into Hentai, more and more people are getting into the idea of cartoon porn, and that’s all helping to push people towards other niche porn within that “umbrella group” of, too.
All in all, if you’re looking for something that’s a little more niche or little more wild compared to traditional Hentai than the odds are pretty good that you’re going to be happy with all of the Futanari porn that you find on the web today.
And more is coming in the near future, too – that’s for sure!