‘AdventureX’ Returns This December, And Asks For Your Support

AdventureX is the UK’s first adventure game gathering and is set to return December 15th and 16th this year in London with speakers like Dave Gilbert (Wadjet Eye Games), Stephen Marley (Author), Alex Warren (Quest) and John Ingold (Inkle Studios). The aim is to attract adventure game fans, developers and the curious onlookers.


The guest speakers, games to play, short game design masterclasses, competitions and the meet and greet space is all going to be free to the public. Anyone who chooses to enter can partake of the festivities. How is this economically feasible? AdventureX is being crowd-funded on IndieGoGo. Even if you do not live in the UK and can’t physically get yourself there, AdventureX will be providing newsletters, videos and a web stream during the show to show their appreciation of their supporters.


While more speakers are yet to be announced, the current showcase games are

  • Primordia by Wadjet Eye Games
  • Crystal Shard by Heroine’s Quest 
  • Quest For Infamy by Infamous Quests 
  • The Cat LadyKinky IslandA Night At Camp Ravenwood by Screen 7
  • Johnny Hurricane & The Pirates of the Third Reich by James Dearden


The short masterclasses on game-design will include topics such as artwork, how to form a better soundtrack, breaking into voice acting, sound design and audio services, starting out with AGS, an advanced AGS programming session as well as an idiots guide to forming a UK business.


You can learn more about the fantastic AdventureX by visiting their website and checking out their IndieGoGo page.

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